OH SNAP! This was a weird week for the macro experiment. I only weighed myself twice this week (at the end of the week) and I usually weigh every day and average all the weights. So I apologize for this little hiccup of a week! I have been on POINT with macros this whole reverse diet, but this week I did some serious estimation, as evidenced by the POUND gained. I was the maid of honor in a wedding and spent four days being more chill with my macros; I allowed myself to eyeball things as opposed to whipping out my mini food scale at the bachelorette party or rehearsal dinner. But ya know what, life happens, no one is perfect and I do not regret it! I'm glad I was able to completely enjoy every moment and not feel like I had to be neurotic about food. |
YouTube video update coming soon by the way! Stay tuned <3
- C
(Click to view reverse diet 1 stats)
Date Weight (lb) Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
9.23.15 121.0 130 210 52 1828 (+0)
9.16.15 120.2 130 210 52 1828 (+58)
9.9.15 120.1 120 210 50 1770 (+58)
8.26.15 119.7 120 200 48 1712 (+58)*
8.19.15 119.3 120 190 46 1654 (+58)
8.12.15 119.1 120 180 44 1596 (+58)
8.5.15 119.0 120 170 42 1538 (+58)
7.29.15 119.2 120 160 40 1480 (+58)*
7.15.15 118.6 120 150 38 1422 (+58)
7.8.15 118.5 120 140 36 1364 (+58)
7.1.15 118.6 120 130 34 1306 (+58)
6.24.15 118.2 120 120 32 1248 (+58)
START 120 110 30 1190