I'm so excited! It's pumpkin spice season... as you can tell from pretty much all my recent IG posts! I love the fall! I'm also excited because I have decided that next year I am doing something I've always wanted to do but never had the cajones. And somehow I acquired the metaphorical balls necessary for the endeavor. :P You can probably guess what it is and I will be talking about it much more in the next few months. Also, I just bought "THE" youtube v-logging camera. Last year when I started my channel I was right in the middle of grad school aka hell on earth so I wasn't able to be too consistent about posting videos. Now that grad school is over and my lifestyle is more chill, I plan on youtubing on the reg. I know everyone and their mom has a youtube channel these days, but it's all G. |
Hope you guys have an awesome, PUMPKIN-SPICE-FILLED week!
Much <3,
- C
(Click to view reverse diet 1 stats)
Date Weight (lb) Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
9.9.15 120.1 120 210 50 1770 (+58)
8.26.15 119.7 120 200 48 1712 (+58)*
8.19.15 119.3 120 190 46 1654 (+58)
8.12.15 119.1 120 180 44 1596 (+58)
8.5.15 119.0 120 170 42 1538 (+58)
7.29.15 119.2 120 160 40 1480 (+58)*
7.15.15 118.6 120 150 38 1422 (+58)
7.8.15 118.5 120 140 36 1364 (+58)
7.1.15 118.6 120 130 34 1306 (+58)
6.24.15 118.2 120 120 32 1248 (+58)
START 120 110 30 1190