Anyways, sickness aside, I am super thankful for the awesome year 2016 has been. I've grown deep friendships, had some really cool opportunities and experiences, and learned more about myself than any other year.
Even though it may not seem like it from my bubbly/crazy self, I struggle with a lot of things -- self-doubt, body image issues, fear of not being "enough", and even depression. And heck yes I will admit these things on here. I was bullied a ton as a kid and although I blocked a bunch of that out of my memory, I still deal with it every single day. Not saying these things for pity or to be a downer, I just want to always keep it 100% REAL. And ya know what? It would be AWESOME if those things would go away, but that's not my new years resolution. In fact, I don't have one. So why did I just spill my soul out on this blog post? Because I want YOU to know that you're not alone.
I feel like this time of year can be a bummer. Weight gained, fun over, back to work we go. What I want to focus on this year is being intentional about thinking about all of the GOOD instead of the negative. Wake up every morning and thank God for what He's given me. Becuase guess what -- NO ONE is perfect. Even the fitless model on instagram with a million followers who looks like she THINKS she's perfect aint perfect. And most importantly, the same God who created the entire universe created you -- every beautiful, "flawed" part of you. So that's my challenge to myself and to you! When you wake up in the morning, let your first thought be a prayer to God about something you are thankful for!
Anyways, that's all the crazy talk for now. If you ever need a friend to talk to about these things you can always email me. I am here for you, not some "instafamous" fitness person, I promise you that. My goal is to share God's love with as many people as I can. So talk to me! :P
Much love,
- C
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or priaseworthy--think about such things" -- Philippians 4:8