At some point you have to ask yourself, who am I? What makes me... ME? Be honest and don't give yourself a sunday school answer. Go deep. Get a journal and writing these things down.
I don't care who is reading this, I have some truth for you.
You are more than a body and a face.
You are more than a shell.
You are more than a number.
You are a beautiful, unique person specifically formed by God, who also made the universe BY THE WAY. This is not a bunch of fluffy words I'm writing to cheer you up. This is the truth and you need to hear it.
It took a lot of time and prayer for me to finally transition out of the girl in the picture on the left. By no means am I perfect or completely "normal" (but what is normal anyways...?) in all my thoughts. But one day I decided to take some steps... and then started running toward the truth, and I will not look back.
If you or someone you know has an eating disorder, don't ignore it. Don't lie to yourself. And if you just need a friend to talk to, I am always here. I know I don't know who is reading this, but my purpose of the macro experiment is to help people. I am so passionate about sharing God's love in this way so do not hesitate to email me: [email protected]. Love you guys.
- C
Online ED Screening Test
National Eating Disorder Association Website
Information and Referral Helpline
They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint."
-- Isaiah 40:31