Last week I made an accurate prediction, if you know what I'm saying! :P So, macros will stay the same this week, just as I did during the week of 7/29. I want this to be as accurate as possible so I will rule out my period as a cause of lasting weight gain. I don't know what the deal is but during this time, I feel like my workouts suck and I don't have as much energy. Anyone else feel that way? Just curious.. Another interesting observation I've noticed is that the higher my calories are, the more hardcore my period is (in all aspects). Maybe my bodyfat is just higher, but my guess is it's a combination of those factors. Even though it hurts, I'm happy because at least it means my body is healthy unlike before I started this blog and didn't have a period for an entire year. Not cool! Thank God for reverse dieting!
In other news, my calories are so high that for the first time ever I am able to fit half a pint of ben & jerry's into my macros and still get my fiber in for the day. So I'm doing that tonight! Kind of random but I'm obsessed with ice cream so I consider it a blog-worthy benchmark for me.
I've got a few new exciting things I'll be talking about in the next couple weeks, yay! So stay tuned... and have a great week my friends! <3
- C