Date Weight (lb) BF% Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
9.17.14 113 15.4 117 201 42 1,650 (+0)
9.10.14 111.5 16.2 117 201 42 1,650 (+58)
9.3.14 111 16.8 117 191 40 1,592 (+58)
8.27.14 111.5 16.4 117 181 38 1,534 (+58)
8.20.14 111.5 15.7 117 171 36 1,476 (+58)**
8.13.14 110 16.0 117 161 34 1,418 (+58)
8.6.14 110 15.7 117 151 32 1,360 (+58)
7.30.14 109.5 15.5 117 141 30 1,302 (+58)
7.23.14 110.5 15.7 117 131 28 1, 244 (+18)
7.16.14 109 15.0 117 131 26 1,226 (+58)
7.9.14 109 14.9 117 121 24 1,168 (+49)
7.2.14 110 15.6 117 111 23 1,119 (+49)
6.25.14 110.5 15.4 117 101 22 1,070 (+40)
6.18.14 110 16.1 117 91 22 1,030 (+43)
6.11.14 112.5 16.8 117 81 20 987 (+40)*
START 117 77 19 947
As you can see, this week I gained 1.5 lbs, so I am going to keep my macros the same this week. Not sure what's up with the body fat percent decrease, but I'll take it!
If you follow my IG at all, you know I am on a random MUFFIN KICK right now! So I'll be posting a few of those recipes this week: 1) pumpkin/marshmallow/white chocolate and 2) almond chocolate chip! So check back in a few days for those :)!
Much love,
- C