I'm also excited to announce the first Macro Experiment Interview will be with Dr. Layne Norton -- world renowned physique coach, pro natural bodybuilder/power lifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences... and honestly the reason The Macro Experiment even exists. Without his brilliant mind and generosity to share his knowledge, I would still be eating 700 calories a day just spinning my wheels. We talk about reverse dieting (of course!), his stance on "processed food"/artificial sweeteners, beginning females in the gym, binging/restricting, finding balance in life… and so much more! Can't wait to share it with you guys, so check back in a few days to see it! His book with Sohee Lee on reverse dieting is coming out later this month and it is going to be a total game changer. I will definitely keep the blog updated with news on that as well! :)
Date Weight (lb) BF% Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
9.10.14 111.5 16.2 117 201 42 1,650 (+58)
9.3.14 111 16.8 117 191 40 1,592 (+58)
8.27.14 111.5 16.4 117 181 38 1,534 (+58)
8.20.14 111.5 15.7 117 171 36 1,476 (+58)**
8.13.14 110 16.0 117 161 34 1,418 (+58)
8.6.14 110 15.7 117 151 32 1,360 (+58)
7.30.14 109.5 15.5 117 141 30 1,302 (+58)
7.23.14 110.5 15.7 117 131 28 1, 244 (+18)
7.16.14 109 15.0 117 131 26 1,226 (+58)
7.9.14 109 14.9 117 121 24 1,168 (+49)
7.2.14 110 15.6 117 111 23 1,119 (+49)
6.25.14 110.5 15.4 117 101 22 1,070 (+40)
6.18.14 110 16.1 117 91 22 1,030 (+43)
6.11.14 112.5 16.8 117 81 20 987 (+40)*
START 117 77 19 947
Much love,
- C