Date Weight (lb) BF% Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
8.27.14 111.5 16.4 117 181 38 1,534 (+58)
8.20.14 111.5 15.7 117 171 36 1,476 (+58)**
8.13.14 110 16.0 117 161 34 1,418 (+58)
8.6.14 110 15.7 117 151 32 1,360 (+58)
7.30.14 109.5 15.5 117 141 30 1,302 (+58)
7.23.14 110.5 15.7 117 131 28 1, 244 (+18)
7.16.14 109 15.0 117 131 26 1,226 (+58)
7.9.14 109 14.9 117 121 24 1,168 (+49)
7.2.14 110 15.6 117 111 23 1,119 (+49)
6.25.14 110.5 15.4 117 101 22 1,070 (+40)
6.18.14 110 16.1 117 91 22 1,030 (+43)
6.11.14 112.5 16.8 117 81 20 987 (+40)*
START 117 77 19 947
Super interesting stuff. I came back from vacation having gained 2 lbs and have already lost 1 lb in 2 days from eating last week's 117/171/36 macros. Remember, last week's stats were based off of an AVERAGE of pre and post vaycay BF% and weight. Therefore, since I am losing weight eating last week's macros, I will continue to add in 10C and 2F this week. I think eating a little more on vacation possibly raised my metabolic rate more than usual. That is pure speculation, but it would explain why I am now losing weight on last week's macros. And that's a beautiful thing!! :)
Now I am over 1,500 calories! On this day three months ago, I was eating less than 1000 calories. Before that, I was eating 700 calories a day for 6 years straight. It still feels like a dream come true.
I will definitely keep an eye on my BF% as it seems to be slowly increasing. That's just how it goes with a reverse diet and I'm cool with it. I will be able to easily cut off any "fluff" once I get my calories crazy high. Dieting at that point will be like a pre-reverse diet binge ;P! Seriously, it's insane! I just FEEL so amazing right now. I have so much energy, I have confidence in who I am, and for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I love myself exactly how God made me--heart, soul, mind and body. That is what defines me, not a number on a scale or body fat percentage. It's such a liberating state of being.
Today may be a double-posting day as I will attempt to get my "Metab Rehab" section up for ya! My goal with this little guide is to help as many people as I can to rehabilitate their metabolisms--to eat a ton more and not gain weight! So… BRB. ;)
- C