The last time I was actually super lean was about a year before I started this blog. If I could go back in time and tell my past self that I was going to gain 10-20 pounds in a few years, I would have probably flipped my shiz. I am not afraid to admit I was a little crazy in the head. My life literally revolved around my refusal to eat and it consumed my mind 24/7. I remember looking in the mirror at my concave stomach thinking I should just lose 5 more pounds... so messed up.
Anyways, I just wanted to say that IIFYM and reverse dieting have not only changed the amount and quality of food that I eat, but they have also completely changed how I view myself as a person. I am so much more than a shell, more than a body, more than skin and bones. I used to think that being as skinny as possible was the ultimate "happiness" I could achieve in life, as ridiculous as it sounds that was my reality; I knew this was wrong thinking, but I didn't think I could change the way my brain was programmed. Not sure if some of that delusion was caused by the lack of food, but I'm now at perhaps the best place I've ever been in life. I'm 22 pounds heavier than my lightest weight, 10 pounds heavier than I was last year, and I am so incredibly content. Not just with my body, but with who I am and the confidence I feel to be completely myself at all times with all people. It's a pretty cool and empowering feeling.
All that to say, IIFYM and reverse dieting freaking rocks. That's all. :P
- C