I also started taking 5g/day of creatine monohydrate about 2 weeks ago. For all of my non-fitness friends who read this, I feel the need to throw out this disclaimer: creatine is NOT a steroid or anything like it. It is the safest, most cost-effective supplement in terms of naturally gaining muscle mass and strength. I definitely recommend taking it if you are wanting to maximize your performance/training. Women usually avoid taking creatine (and I have for the longest time) because it causes water weight gain as creatine saturates the muscles.
SPEAKING OF WEIGHT GAIN! As I have mentioned before, I am weighing myself a LOT less frequently now and trying to rely on progress pictures and of course, my coach's expertise. I did, however, weigh myself a week ago and was at an all time HIGH--118 (up 2 pounds from the last time). I have not seen the scale say "118" since my college days and I hated how I looked then. It was freaky at first seeing that number and I am sure that some of it is due to the creatine… But the weirdest and coolest thing is I'm actually loving the way my body looks. Something is clicking for the first time. It's a mental, physical, and spiritual transformation.
I can't fit into my size 0 skinny jeans. And I don't think I want to ever again. :)
- C
[Click here to see Reverse Diet progress graph]