Date Weight (lb) BF% Protein (g) Carbs Fat Total Cal
7.9.14 109 14.9 117 121 24 1,168 (+49)
7.2.14 110 15.6 117 111 23 1,119 (+49)
6.25.14 110.5 15.4 117 101 22 1,070 (+40)
6.18.14 110 16.1 117 91 22 1,030 (+43)
6.11.14 112.5 16.8 117 81 20 987 (+40)*
START 117 77 19 947
I was PERFECT on my macros up until this week. I have to be completely honest on here for the sake of the validity and reliability of this experiment. So every time I am over or under on macros, I will absolutely be posting with that information on my weekly stats updates.
The weird thing, though, is that this week I was significantly over on carbs on the fourth of July. That was the only day I was off. I went to a party and was just like, "screw it, I need to live life." So I am guessing that I ate about 100-200 grams over my usual carb intake. The next day I was up on the scale +2 lbs. After that day, I went back to being on POINT with my macros and was -2 lbs the next day. So obviously, the carbs made me absorb water, which got flushed out immediately when my body went back to what it was used to. A little voice in the back of my mind was telling me to go under on macros to make up for the abundance, but I forced myself not to. I will NOT go back to my previous dangerous habits of feeling guilty for fueling my body and starving myself. Nope, that was the old Cait. Anyways, my speculation is that I had an inadvertent reefed day and my leptin levels increased, causing a drop in body fat. Totally a hypothesis, but… interesting stuff!
SO! As of this week, I have dropped 2% body fat and have increased my calories by over +200 already! IT'S WORKING!
K I'm going to go make sweet potato pancakes and top it with cinnamon bun ice cream. I'm all about those ice cream gainz.
- C