In other news, I've been doing my homework on a variety of dieting techniques such as carb cycling, intermittent fasting, etc. and currently experimenting on myself a little bit. I plan on writing a blog post and/or YouTube video to explain these different methods, the pros and cons of each, and my personal experience/preference! I know there are so many terms being thrown around, it gets overwhelming and confusing especially for the IIFYM n00bs. I got yo back.
I will also be experimenting with... dun dun dun... NOT COUNTING MACROS. Oh snap, yes that's right. This May, I will be in JAPAN for two weeks visiting my best friend who I haven't seen in almost three years! For the first time in two years, I am going to take off my training wheels and eat intuitively for the two weeks that I am in Japan. I may track protein to some extent though. We shall see! So friends, lots more to come from me. For now, imma hit the books hard. Much love!
- C