180kcal -- 5F / 19C / 15P
1. Melt butter in mixing bowl. Add vanilla extract, vanilla whey, coconut flour, baking powder and stir.
2. Add stevia to taste, applesauce, egg whites, and stir until mixture is completely homogeneous.
3. Pour mixture into sprayed single serve ramekin.
4. Distribute chocolate chips evenly on top of mixture. Mini chocolate chips work best for maximum surface area to hit the taste buds. ;)
5. Bake for 10-20 minutes at 350 degrees and check with a toothpick to see when it's done. I know that is a weird baking time, ovens can vary significantly so I just recommend checking on it frequently between that 10-20 min window. You'll want it just slightly gooey in the middle, but totally baked around the outside. ENJOY your deep dish chocolate chip cookie with NO GUILT! <3
- C