I also wanted to mention that I re-tested maxes this week and my strength has not decreased. It went up in deadlifts and overhead press. Stayed the same on squats.
Competition Prep Data
Week Weight (lb) Waist (in) Low Macro Days High Macro Days Low:High* Cardio**
0 136.4 28 N/A 140P/255C/68F N/A 0
1 135.0 27.5 155P/140C/40F 140P/235C/50F 4:1 2x6HIIT
2 133.8 27.5 155P/140C/40F 140P/235C/50F 4:1 2x6HIIT
3 132.85 27.25 155P/140C/40F 140P/235C/50F 4:1 2x6HIIT
3.5 132.53 27.25 155P/130C/38F 140P/220C/48F 4:1 2x7HIIT
4 132.8 27.25 155P/115C/35F 140P/200C/45F 4:1 2x8HIIT
5 130.65 27 155P/115C/35F 140P/200C/45F 4:1 2x8HIIT
6 NW*** 26.75 155P/115C/35F 140P/200C/45F 4:1 2x8HIIT
7 130.95 26.5 155P/115C/35F 140P/200C/45F 4:1 2x8HIIT
7.5 130.6 26.5 155P/105C/32F 140P/180C/42F 4:1 2x8HIIT
8 130.7 26.5 155P/95C/29F 140P/160C/39F 4:1 2x9HIIT
*Low:High Ratio = Low macro days:High macro days. For example, Week 1 I had a higher macro day every 4 days.
**Cardio = The first number is the times per week. The second number is the amount of intervals. HIIT = high intensity interval training. LISS = Low intensity steady state.
***NW = I have been advised not to weigh during this week due to my "time of the month" and the weight fluctuations that happen with it.
Also, I am posting half-week check in data only if changes were made.
- C